As part of the manifestation "Gennaio Angelano" (artistic and sports-related events) the feast of the abbot Saint Anthony is celebrated with a procession, the blessing of animals, the distribution of blessed bread and the offering of "Saint Anthoni's PIate" to the poor.
Last Sunday : "GENNAIOLA" National Foot-Race.

Vocal , choral and instrumental concerts, folklore and theatre.
Holy Week: besides the liturgical ceremonies, particularly solemn during the entire week and enriched by the liturgical music of Choirs, traditional paraliturgical rites are performed. Among the more evocative are: Holy Thursday - the "Deposition from the Cross" ("Scavigliazione") the remnant of a thirteenth century laud on the Passion (Cathedral of San Rufino); Good Friday - in the morning, the procession which transfers the Dead Christ from the Cathedral of San Rufino to the Basilica of San Francesco with stops at the cloistered convents; in the early afternoon the "Three Hours of Agony" in the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore; in the evening, an evocative procession, in which all the lay Brotherhoods - of medieval origin - bear the statue of Our lady of the Sorrows, along a torch-lit route from the Cathedral of San Rufino to the Basilica of San Francesco, from which it is then brought back, together with the statue of the Dead Christ.

The Feast of Calendimaggio: (from the first Thursday after May day far three days) Commemoration of medieval and Renaissance life, with processions, theatre, vocal (mostly choir) and instrumental performance s, dancing, and exhibitions of skill by archers, crossbowmen and flag wavers (sbandieratori), in a contest between the factions of the "Parte de Sopra" (the Upper Part) and the "Parte de Sotto" (the Lower Part) - of medieval origin - which involves the entire town.
The Ascension - liturgical solemnities in the most important basilicas and churches of Assisi.

Corpus Christi - magnificent processions in Assisi and Santa Maria degli Angeli. In Santa Maria degli Angeli, the streets where the procession take place are decorated with the characteristic floral carpets ("Infiorate"). In Assisi procession of the Octave of Corpus Christi through the streets of the characteristic quarter of Porta Perlici which are decorated in the traditional "Infiorate" 22 June - the Feast of the Vow - Solemn civic and religious events to commemorate the liberation of the city from the Saracens following the miraculous intervention of Saint Claire.
End of June - beginning of July - Stadio Migaghelli Feast of "Ponte Rosso"

Estate Angelana - Theatre, Music, Dance, Folk and open-aire cinema;
1 - 2 August - The Feast of the Pardon: celebrated at the Porziuncola with particular solemnity since 1216, the year in which the indulgence was instituted at the wish of Pope Honorius III. The feast draws faithful £rom the world over: particuIarly numerous and evocative, in their expressions of faith and folklore, are the pilgrims from Ciociaria. Arrival of the National March of Young Franciscans at the Porziuncola (2 August) 
11 August - The Feast of Saint Claire, patron saint of the television - religious services in the Basilica of Santa Chiara. 
12 August - Feast of San Rufino, patron saint of the city - religious services in the Cathedral - Concert of religious music. "Palio di San Rufino": crossbow contests by the Crossbowmen of Assisi. The contest is preceded by a historic procession, a show by the Flag Wavers of Assisi and performances inspired by the Renaissance, in commemoration of the measures with which, in 1542, the papal governar, Andrea Cruciani, sought to divide the city into "Terzieri" to bring the struggles between the Parte de Sopra and the Parte de Sotto to an end. 
14 August - Piazzale della Porziuncola, procession of candle-lit

First Sunday in September: The Satriano Cavalcade - re-enactment of the final return of Saint Francis to Assisi. Numerous horsemen follow the route over which Saint Francis, gravely ill, travelled from Nocera, through Satriano and Pian della Pieve, to return to his native city.

3-4 October - National celebration in honour of Saint Francis, the Patron Saint of Italy - Religious services in the Basilica of San Francesco and the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli. Civic ceremonies presided aver by a representative of the italian Government and the highest regional, provincial and municipal authorities of the region which, according to a pre-arranged sequence, represents all of Italy by offering oil to fuel the votive lamp of the towns of Italy which burns before the tomb of Saint Francis. Related events include shows of folk dancing and song


8 December: solemn liturgical celebrations - with music performed in the major basilicas and churches by their respective Choirs and "Scholae Cantorum" - in honour of the lmmaculate Conception, patroness of the Franciscan order. On the eve o£ the feast, great bonfires are lit at Rocca Maggiore and in Santa Maria degli Angeli.
24 December - 6 January - Christmas in Assisi: Solemn liturgical celebrations in the basilicas, churches and sanctuaries, with music by their respective Choirs. The rites celebrated in the Franciscan sanctuaries are particularly evocative. In memory of Saint Francis "inventor" of the Christmas Crib or nativity scene, in practically all the churches traditionally nativity scenes of rare poetry are set up. Besides these, outdoor nativity scenes are set up by the townspeople in corners of the streets and piazzas, where passers-by can readily find them. Vocal, choral and instrumental concerts of Christmas music are held in the principal churches of the city. Live nativity scenes in the medieval "castles" of Armenzano, Petrignano.


Piazza Garibaldi  Tel. e Fax. 075.8044554

Festa di S. Antonio a S. Maria degli Angeli - Assisi
January - Feast of Saint Anthony


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